Time passes so quickly...
i've been blogging consistently for 15 days !
Hope you've found this entertaining...mildly ?
Maths is a universal language.
No doubt.
But, still there are different symbols used for the same function/effect.
Today's puzzle is a good example.
In S'pore, we would read it commonly as 0.0666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666...
Ok, well you get it.
The digit 6 recurrs endlessly... like crazy (that's why we call such numbers irrational.)
So, what's the mystery number, whose reciprocal is approximately 0.0667 (3 sig. fig.)
See What Show: Wonderland
I watched Director Chai Yee-Wei’s latest film, Wonderland, very early on,
alone in his company’s mixing studio. By the end of the film, I sat there
in the ...
6 months ago